
DJI Drones

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Hi, I am Anthony Montero and I am writing this blog on the company DJI who is an innovative manufacturer of high tech drones and cinematic cameras.

Founded in 2006 by Frank Wang, DJI is a Chinese tech company known for its unmanned aerial vehicles or (UAV’s) or more commonly known as drones. DJI quickly rose to becoming one of the worlds top drone manufacturers in the world. DJI has both a personal use line and a professional use line of drones that are used by filmmakers and hobbyists. The Mavic and Phantom drones are the most popular of their products equipped with high quality cameras , good stability, and are easy to use. DJI has been successful because of their heavy research, focus on innovation, high quality products, and customer satisfaction.

DJI Air 2S
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I chose DJI because they are a company that is constantly focused on innovation and I think an innovative company has an effective marketing team. I also shoes DJI because I actually think their products are out of this world and they have revolutionized the tech industry. DJI is a company that strives to grow and put their customers first by providing top quality customer service. I think DJI is an outstanding como any because of their hard work and focus on creating innovative products.

This month I hope to learn about creating content for a company. What does it really take to create content and how do I go about creating content? These are the main questions I would like to have answered by the end of this course. I would also like to get more familiar with creating content on multiple social platforms.

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